Dust Collector Fabrication, Baghouse Manufacturing, and Pollution Control Systems
BCE designs and manufactures dust collectors and baghouse systems for any application. Our engineers have manufactured and installed turnkey systems using baghouses, ESPs, and other dust collectors. BCE also offers standard lines of dust collector bag filters predesigned for competitive pricing and quick turn-around. BCE is also experienced in custom configured filter bags for any application.
Standard pressure ratings are ±20″ W.G. for flat-walled collectors and up to 17″ Hg for round units. See these pages for descriptions and general drawings of BCE standard fabric filter dust collectors:
- C-Series: Cylindrical, 7 to 154 bags, up to ±17″ Hg design
- S-Series: Square, 9 to 400 bags, ±20″ W.G. design
- R9-Series: Rectangular, 126 to 234 bags, 9-bags deep, ±20″ W.G. design
- R14-Series: Rectangular, 252 to 420 bags, 14-bags deep, ±20″ W.G. design
Where custom collectors are needed, BCE is fully capable to design, build and install everything from single units to entire systems, specific to your application. If high-pressure units are required, our engineers have decades of combined experience designing dust collectors to the ASME Code, Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2. Call us to discuss your requirements.
For many applications where the dust is free-flowing and non-agglomerating, a collector with 6″ diameter pleated filters is an economical choice over a bag filter. Although pleated filters operate at lower air-to-cloth ratio than bag filters, the large filter area per element typically results in a significantly smaller housing size. Call BCE and we will be happy to discuss whether a pleated filter is right for your application.
Large cartridge filters are ideal for low-temperature applications with a small dust loading and large air volume. As with pleated filters, cartridges provide a large filter area per element resulting in a compact unit, requiring much less headroom than a bag filter of comparable capacity. BCE uses a downflow design to promote dust settling and maximize the air-to-cloth ratio.